Walkers Capital Group of Companies

AODA – Customer Service Standard

We are committed to providing accessible service and are committed to providing the highest standard of customer service in line with AODA. Download the Accessibility Policy here

Accessible Canada Act – Barrier-free by 2040

As a federally regulated employer, Walker’s/Capital Group of Companies is governed by the Accessible Canada Act, with the goal of making Canada barrier-free by January 1, 2040. This involves identifying, removing, and preventing any barriers for people with disabilities that arise because of where we work or how we work.

Our Commitment

Walker’s/Capital Group of Companies is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence.  We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and by meeting our accessibility requirements under Accessible Canada Regulations and in alignment with our business practices, capabilities, and values.

Our Accessibility Plan

Walker’s/Capital Group of Companies is leveraging leadership, staff, customer, and external stakeholder input and feedback to enable collaborative work across the company to develop, monitor, and continually improve our Accessibility Plan as we identify, remove, and prevent barriers for persons with disabilities and address legislated requirements.  Read our Accessibility Plan (June 2024). 

Contact Information & Feedback Process

We welcome all feedback from our employees, partners, and members of the public about accessibility at Walker’s/Capital Group of Companies. Feedback can be submitted anonymously and will be reviewed by our Accessibility working group.

Ways to provide feedback to Walker’s/Capital Group of Companies:


Telephone: 613-546-3621 ext 231

Webform: ACA Feedback Survey

Alternative Formats – To request alternative formats of our plan, please contact: 


Telephone: 613-546-3621 ext 231


Accessibility Working Group

Walker’s/Capital Group of Companies Limited

PO Box 2020

Kingston ON K7L 5J8

Walker’s/Capital Group of Companies commits to providing the following alternative formats when requested:

Print, large print (increased font size), and electronic format within 15 days.Braille and audio formats within 45 days

Feedback –  A short survey

The Walker’s/Capital Group of Companies is embarking on a process to build an effective and comprehensive accessibility plan to identify and reduce barriers to persons with disabilities in all aspects of our operations including employment, built environment, information and communication technology (ICT), communication other than ICT, design & delivery of services, transportation, and procurement of goods and services.

The Accessible Canada Act defines a disability as “any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment—or a functional limitation—whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society.”

As we develop, implement, and update our plan, we want to hear from a variety of stakeholders, including you, consumers considering and utilizing our services. Your input can help us develop the very best plan for our organization improving access for individuals at all levels of engagement with WCG. We sincerely thank you for your participation.

This survey does not collect email addresses automatically.

If you choose to respond, you may do so anonymously or you may provide contact information for further involvement and follow-up.

Please note, this survey may be requested in other formats including large text, recorded audio, printed hardcopy. Please let us know if you wish to provide feedback in a different format: or 613-546-3621 ext 231.

Please complete the survey here.